Questions Concerning God's Character

Please Note:
As you read through the various articles in this section, you will discover that many times the same principles will be used. This may seem redundant but it is necessary to show how these simple principles apply to each Bible story presented. It will also give the reader who may only read one or two articles the opportunity to learn these principles. May you be blessed as you consider and meditate on these things.


TitleAuthor▼ PostedHits
What is God's Wrath?Kevin J. MullinsNov 17, 2024947
(Numbers 11:1) Did God Consume the Complainers with Fire?Kevin J. MullinsNov 17, 2024468
(Exodus 4:24-26) Did God Really Want to Kill Moses Because His Son Was Not Circumcised?Kevin J. MullinsNov 04, 2024703
Is the Infancy Gospel of Thomas Correct in Describing Jesus’ Childhood as Being Devious and Mischievous?Kevin J. MullinsOct 30, 2024507
If Sin is Not a Legal Matter But a Deadly Disease, Why Do We Need Forgiveness?Kevin J. MullinsOct 26, 2024539
(Exodus 4:11; John 9:2-4) Does God Make People Mute, Deaf, and Blind etc.?Kevin J. MullinsMar 20, 20232776
(Leviticus 25:44–46) Does God Condone Slavery?Kevin J. MullinsFeb 05, 20232418
(Psalm 7:11) What Does It Mean That "God Is Angry With the Wicked Every Day"?Kevin J. MullinsJan 17, 20232733
(Zechariah 14:12) What Does Zechariah Mean When He Says People’s Flesh, Eyes, and Tongues Will Consume Away After God Smites Them?Ray FoucherJan 11, 20232014
(Numbers 16:28-34) Did God Kill Korah, Dathan, and Abiram?Kevin J. MullinsJul 17, 20224429
(1 Corinthians 12:3) What Does it Mean to Call Jesus “Accursed”?Colin NicolsonJul 10, 20223396
(Isaiah 28:21) What is God’s “Strange Act”?Kevin J. MullinsJun 18, 20224979
(Exodus 12:12, 13) Did God "Pass Over" the Israelites or Stand Guard and "Protect" Them?Danutasn BrownMay 26, 20222838
(Isaiah 53; Zechariah 13:7) Doesn’t Isaiah and Zechariah Say That God Killed Jesus to Satisfy His Wrath?Kevin J. MullinsMay 13, 20222057
(Genesis 22:1, 2) Why Did God Command Abraham to Sacrifice Isaac?Kevin J. MullinsMay 13, 20223043
(2 Kings 2:23-25) Did God Kill Children as a Result of Elisha’s Curse?Kevin J. MullinsMay 01, 20224196
(Genesis 6:1-7) Didn’t God Have to Exterminate the Nephilim Who Were the Hybrid Offspring of Fallen Angels and Human Women?Kevin J. MullinsApr 17, 20221717
(2 Kings 1:9-12) Didn’t God Send Fire Down From Heaven and Consume the Soldiers at the Command of Elijah?Kevin J. MullinsFeb 19, 20221833
(Matthew 15:26) Did Jesus Call the Canaanite Woman a Dog?Kevin J. MullinsFeb 11, 20221727
(1 Samuel 15:1-3) Why Would a God of Love Command King Saul to Kill Men, Women and Babies?Kevin J. MullinsDec 19, 20211737
(1 Samuel 11:6, 7; Judges 15:14-15) Why Did Men Such as King Saul and Samson Act Out in Violence When Filled With the Spirit of God?Kevin J. MullinsDec 19, 20211575
(Isaiah 51:6, 7) What is the Relationship Between God’s Righteousness and His Law?Kevin J. MullinsJun 25, 20211312
(Exodus 21:24) What About the Retributive Justice of “An Eye For An Eye”?Kevin J. MullinsJun 23, 20211626
(Numbers 15:32-36) Why Did God Command the Horrific Death Sentence of Stoning?Kevin J. MullinsJun 23, 20213349
(Matthew 10:28; Luke 12:5) Doesn’t Jesus Tell Us to Fear God Who Can Destroy Both Body and Soul in Hell?Kevin J. MullinsJun 21, 20213828
(Exodus 20:13) Do the Ten Commandments Say “Thou Shalt Not Kill” or “Thou Shalt Not Murder”?Kevin J. MullinsJun 19, 20211899
(John 2:13-16) Didn’t Jesus Show Violence and Anger When He Kicked the Moneychangers Out of the Temple?Kevin J. MullinsJun 18, 20212049
(Deuteronomy 2:34-36) Didn’t God Command the Israelites to Slaughter Men, Women, and Children With the Sword?Kevin J. MullinsJun 15, 20212683
(Deuteronomy 32:39) Why Does God Say, “I Kill, and I Make Alive”?Kevin J. MullinsJun 14, 20213389
(Jeremiah 18:7-10) Why Does God Say He Will Repent of Doing Evil?Kevin J. MullinsJun 12, 20211868
(Isaiah 45:7) Did God Create Evil?Kevin J. MullinsJun 09, 20213273
(Genesis 19:13, 24, 25) Did God Send Angels to Kill the Inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah?Kevin J. MullinsJun 07, 20212089
(Acts 5:1-11) Did God Kill Ananias and Sapphira?Kevin J. MullinsMay 20, 20211991
(Acts 12:23) Did the Angel of the LORD Kill Herod?Kevin J. MullinsMay 17, 20211261
(Exodus 20:24) Why Did God Institute Animal Sacrifices?Kevin J. MullinsApr 23, 20211622
(Revelation 12:5; 19:11-16) What Does it Mean That Jesus Will Rule With a Rod of Iron?Kevin J. MullinsApr 08, 20212204
(Numbers 21:5, 6) Didn’t God Send Fiery Serpents To Kill the People When They Complained At His Leadership?Kevin J. MullinsApr 05, 20211999
(Revelation 14:10-11) Doesn’t the Bible Say That God Will Burn and Torture People “Forever and Ever”?Kevin J. MullinsMar 29, 20212412
(Mark 9:43, 44) What Does the Bible Mean When it Says People Will “Go into Hell … Where Their Worm Dieth Not, and the Fire is not Quenched"?Kevin J. MullinsMar 29, 20211298
(Genesis 19:4-8; 2 Peter 2:7,8) If Lot Was So Righteous, Why Did He Offer His Own Two Daughters to be Molested by the Angry Mob?Kevin J. MullinsFeb 23, 20211378
(Exodus 12:12) Who Really Killed the Firstborn in Egypt?Kevin J. MullinsFeb 15, 202110522
(Genesis 6:5-7) Did God Really Drown Millions of People in the Flood?Kevin J. MullinsFeb 13, 20213367