Length: 4:44
In this video clip, Tim Jennings explains how the final judgment works by revealing the meaning of God investigating our record books. He not only briefly shows why the traditional Seventh-day Adventist interpretation of this judgment is flawed, but reveals how Christianity as a whole has adopted the pagan penal legal view of judgment.
Length 5:31
Is the "consuming fire" spoken of throughout Scripture really a penal imposed punishment from God against sinners when His pent-up anger comes to a boiling point and He tortures those who hate Him by throwing them into a pit of burning lava? Or has mainstream Christianity misunderstood its true meaning?
Length: 5:33
In this video, Tim Jennings refers to one of his listeners who shared a link to his article rejecting Tim's healing model of atonement in favor of the doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement. In this article, the viewer states his belief by saying, "In short, rather than killing us for violating His law, the Father killed Jesus instead." And then later adds, "...to put it crudely, the Father killed Jesus so that He wouldn't have to kill us."
Note: At the end of this video I splice in the two times Tim graciously endorsed my book Did God Kill Jesus Instead of Killing Us?
Length: 4:06
Since Jesus did not die to satisfy God's justice and pacify His wrath, what did Jesus accomplish?
Length: 10:27
This clip is the first 10mins of Tim Jenning's presentation, God and Your Brain (Session 2: Designer or Dictator?). It explores God's law as it relates to true biblical justice vs. human justice and imposed laws.
Length: 3:44
In this video clip, Tim Jennings discusses God's law of liberty and why God gave laws to ancient Israel. Was Israel set up to reflect God's kingdom of truth and justice as many believe, or for something else?