Published Jul 08, 2023
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For many people the description of the fiery judgment after the millennium is the final irrefutable proof that God directly kills people:

“… and fire came down from God out of heaven,  and devoured them.” (Revelation 20:7-9)

The greatest contradiction in an interpretation which presents God as the direct executor of the wicked in the lake of fire is the life of Jesus Christ. Christ came to fully reveal the character of His Father and when we look at His life on the earth, we can surely know what God is like: “… he that hath seen Me hath seen the Father…” (John 14:9). When Christ was here on the earth, He killed no one. Whatever event is described in Revelation 20, it cannot be in contradiction to the revelation which the Son of God gave of His Father while He was on the earth. Having this in mind we will examine the factors that contribute to the events in Revelation 20:7-9, as they are explained throughout the Bible.
