Questions Concerning the Trinity

In this section, we will examine all of the “evidence” that is often used to prove that God is a trinity. In other words, when the Bible writers refer to "God" are they referring to a unity of three co-equal and co-eternal beings (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit), or are they referring to God (the Father) who has a divine Son (Jesus) with whom He shares His holy Spirit with and who in turn shares this Spirit with us by He (Jesus) Himself dwelling in us? 

With that said, we will not examine verses trinitarians use to establish that Jesus is God since we agree He is uncreated and divine. We will however examine verses that are used in an attempt to prove that Jesus is “the Most High God” or “the only true God.” In Mark 5:7, an unclean spirit admits that Jesus is the "Son of the Most High God." And in prayer to His Father, Jesus Himself said, "This is eternal life, that they may know You [the Father], the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent" (Luke 17:3). Jesus certainly could not be the Most High God while His Father is “The God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory” (Ephesians 1:17). 


TitleAuthor▼ PostedHits
Does Love Require a Trinity?Kevin J. MullinsJan 16, 2025433
(Genesis 1:1, 26) Doesn’t the First Chapter of Genesis Use a Plural Hebrew Word (Elohim) and Use Plural Pronouns (“Us”; “Our”) to Describe God, Thus Showing God is a Trinity?Lynnford BeachyJul 01, 20211616
(Genesis 1:2) Doesn’t the Bible Say “The Spirit” was Present At the Time of Creation, Showing That There Were Three Individuals Involved in Creation?Lynnford BeachyJun 30, 20211492
(Genesis 18:1-3) Doesn’t the Three Men Who Appeared to Abraham Prove the Trinity?Lynnford BeachyJun 29, 20212260
(Deuteronomy 6:4) Doesn’t Scripture Use the Hebrew Word Echad to Refer to God as a Compound Unity?Lynnford BeachyJun 28, 20214887
(Isaiah 6:3) Doesn’t Isaiah Hear the Angels Praise Each of the Three Persons of the Trinity by Saying, “Holy, Holy, Holy”?Lynnford BeachyJun 27, 20211093
(Isaiah 9:6) Isn’t the Son of God also Referred to as “the Everlasting Father”?Lynnford BeachyJun 26, 2021961
(Isaiah 48:16) Don’t We See the Trinity in Isaiah 48:16?Lynnford BeachyJun 25, 20211380
(Micah 5:2) Doesn’t Micah Speak of Jesus as Having No Beginning?Lynnford BeachyJun 24, 20211121
(Matthew 1:23) Does the Word Emanuel Mean God is a Trinity?Lynnford BeachyJun 23, 20211037
(Matthew 3:16, 17) Don’t the Events that Surrounded Jesus’ Baptism Prove God is a Trinity?Lynnford BeachyJun 22, 20211049
(Matthew 12:31, 32) Didn’t Jesus Teach That the Holy Spirit is a Separate Being than He and His Father?Lynnford BeachyJun 21, 2021899
(Matthew 28:18-20) Didn’t Jesus Teach of a Trinity When He Spoke of Baptism?Lynnford BeachyJun 20, 2021876
(John 1:1-3, 14) Doesn’t the Fact that John Calls Jesus God Prove the Trinity?Lynnford BeachyJun 19, 20211132
(John 5:17, 18) Didn’t Jesus Claim He Was Equal to the Supreme God?Lynnford BeachyJun 18, 2021994
(John 8:58) Didn’t Jesus Claim to Be the Most High God By Using the Term “I AM”?Lynnford BeachyJun 17, 2021964
(John 10:17, 18) Doesn’t the Fact that Jesus Claimed He Could Raise Himself From the Dead Prove that He is the Almighty God?Lynnford BeachyJun 16, 2021959
(John 10:30) What Did Jesus Mean When He Said He and His Father “Are One”?Lynnford BeachyJun 15, 2021844
(John 14:9) Didn’t Jesus Claim to be the Father?Lynnford BeachyJun 14, 2021826
(John 14:15, 16) Didn’t Jesus Teach That the Holy Spirit is Another Being Separate from He and His Father?Lynnford BeachyJun 13, 2021874
(John 16:13-15) Doesn’t Jesus Speak of the Holy Spirit as Separate Person Who Can “Hear” and Speak”?Lynnford BeachyJun 12, 2021909
(Acts 5:3, 4) Didn’t Peter Speak of the Holy Spirit As a Third Separate Person Who Can Be Lied To?Lynnford BeachyJun 11, 2021828
(Acts 13:2) Didn’t a Separate Being From the Father and Son Speak to the Members of the Church?Lynnford BeachyJun 10, 2021710
(Romans 9:5) Doesn’t Paul Say Christ is the Most High Who is Over All?Lynnford BeachyJun 09, 2021807
(2 Corinthians 13:14) Doesn’t the “Apostle Benediction” Teach Us of the Trinity?Lynnford BeachyJun 08, 2021992
(Ephesians 4:30) Doesn’t the Fact That the Holy Spirit Can Be “grieved” Prove that it is a Separate person?Lynnford BeachyJun 07, 2021694
(Philippians 2:6) Isn’t Christ Absolutely Equal in Authority With God?Lynnford BeachyJun 06, 2021699
(Colossians 2:9) Isn’t Jesus the Most High God, Equal to His Father?Lynnford BeachyJun 05, 2021840
(Hebrews 7:1-3) Doesn’t the Author of Hebrews Suggest That Jesus Had No Beginning of Days?Lynnford BeachyJun 04, 2021748
(1 John 5:7) Doesn’t John Teach That God is a Trinity?Lynnford BeachyJun 03, 2021951
(1 John 5:20) Doesn’t John Call Jesus “the True God”?Lynnford BeachyJun 02, 2021801
(Revelation 1:4, 5) Didn’t the Prophet John See the Trinity in Heaven While in Vision?Lynnford BeachyJun 01, 2021921