Adrian Ebens

Presenter: Adrian Ebens
Presentations: 5

Length: 5:52
In this video, Adrian begins with introducing mainstream Christianity’s view of the atonement, which teaches that, in order for atonement to take place, an angry God must either kill us or kill His Son to satisfy His wrath.

Presenter: Adrian Ebens

Length: 3:23
Continuing in the concept of God’s wrath, Adrian reads a few biblical texts that most use in support of the penal substitutionary atonement theory.

Presenter: Adrian Ebens

Length: 4:55
In this video, Adrian seeks alternate translations, such as the Greek Septuagint, in which the wording  of traditional biblical texts (such as Isaiah chapter 53) begin to give us a different understanding of the atonement that is traditionally taught.

Presenter: Adrian Ebens

Length: 2:49
What is the process of reconciliation? Does the death of Christ reconcile God to us, meaning that, because Christ has satisfied God’s wrath, His mind is changed toward us and now is able to accept and forgive us? Or is reconciliation solely the process in which our minds are reconciled (changed) toward God and we finally believe that He has always accepted us and freely forgiven us?

Presenter: Adrian Ebens

Length: 3:43
In the final video in this series, Adrian reveals the biblical view of atonement as being the renewing of our mind in harmony (at-one-ment) with God’s true character, which Jesus came to reveal in His life and death. It has nothing to do with paying off (satisfying) an angry God.

Presenter: Adrian Ebens